A DaVinci Year in Review

by Kyle Dahlem, Executive Director – The DaVinci Institute

The DaVinci Institute continues to be a viable non-profit organization—small but with a growing impact. Although our membership year runs from July to June, the following calendar year activities give you a sense of the past year accomplishments.


  • In January and February, faculty and students were considered for DaVinci awards.
  • In March, a successful banquet honored five Fellows and five Scholars for creativity in select situations. President Paul Sechrist, OCCC, gave a compelling presentation via music and speech.
  • In April, the Spring Forum at Northeastern State University featured Oral Roberts University professor and author David Burkus, discussing barriers to creativity. Round table discussions among faculty from over 12 institutions of higher education, determined that a creativity repository would be developed for both student and faculty use.
  • In May, the updated Web site and blog were nearing completion.
  • In June, the planning meeting revised and updated the organizational chart.
  • In September, the membership drive resulted in 16 institutional memberships and 11 individual memberships.
  • In October, the Fall Forum, held at East Central University, gave both students and faculty time to outline the creativity repository.
  • In November, board members took part in the State of Creativity Forum in Oklahoma City.


  • March 28, the Awards banquet will be held at the Oklahoma History Center.  Dr. E. Ann Nalley, Cameron University Professor of Chemistry and 2006 president of American Chemical Society will be the keynote speaker.
  • April 11, the Spring Forum will be held at Oklahoma State University. The topic for discussion will revolve around undergraduate research and how its relationship to the creativity repository.
  • Second Friday of each month—regular board meeting.


Jack Bryant, former president of the DaVinci Institute, has been named President of Redlands Community College. This is the third DaVinci president/board member that has gone on to head an institution of higher learning.

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