DaVinci Banquet – 2014

2014 DaVinci Banquet

The DaVinci board of Directors will be hosting the 2014 DaVinci banquet at the Oklahoma History Center, March 28 at 6:30 p.m.

Keynoting the banquet will be Dr. E. Ann Nalley, Cameron University Professor of Chemistry, who has distinguished herself in the field of chemistry and science in general.

As Vice President of the Malta Conferences Foundation, she is a leader of an organization which believes that Acts of war and terrorism have destabilized the political and economic climate in the Middle East and around the world, but it remains possible for scientists from opposing sides of the political and cultural conflict to meet in an attempt to forge relationships that bridge the deep chasms of distrust and intolerance.

Nalley was the 2006 president of the American Chemical Society.

Dr. Nalley will share her insights into creativity in science.

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