New Book – Myths of Creativity by David Burkus

Dr. David Burkus, ORU assistant professor, who spoke at the DaVinci Spring Forum, is announced that his book The Myths of Creativity: The Truth about How Innovative Companies and People Really Generate Great Ideas  is now available.

Engaging his reader in entertaining, enlightening stories, David makes the case that creativity leads to innovation and that barriers to this process are mythical.

In a time when innovation is key to education, culture and business, The Myths of Creativity: The Truth about How Innovative Companies and People Really Generate Great Ideas provides the meaningful research and citations to make creativity less abstract without removing the “magic” of the process.

Not only is this book highly recommended for personal growth, but it would make a great teaching tool.

I find it a written treatise on the mission statement of the DaVinci Institute: To promote a statewide creative renaissance through lectures, professional development, workshops, research and advocacy.


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Kyle Dahlem

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