How will higher education evolved in the 21st century? While the future is unknown, one thing is for sure – if it is to be successful, educators must take into account how people best learn, technological developments and student interests. This year’s Forum will be held on the campus of Rose State College in Midwest City, Oklahoma on October 23, 2015.
It will include at tour of the Rose State Fab Lab and open a conversation that will include faculty, administrators, and students in exploring what the future may hold for designing courses, curricula and experiences for highly effective collegiate education.
You won’t want to miss this.
Registration is now open. Head over the Events page on the DaVinci website to reserve your spot now. Reservations include lunch and Fab Lab activities. Member institutions may send two participants for no charge, and $10 for each additional participant. Non-member institutions may send participants for $10 each. Please register by October 19 so that we can be sure to have an accurate number for lunch. Institutions are strongly encouraged to send one student per faculty member if at all possible in order to encourage an inclusive conversation.