Fred Provenza Speaking at Redlands CC February 18

Dr. Fred Provenza will be presenting “Our Landscapes, Our Livestock, Ouselves, Restoring Broken Linkages among Plants, Herbivores and Humans” at the first Redlands Community College Field Day. Provenza is a nationally known speaker and of interest to everyone who values health and well being.

Fred Provenza is professor emeritus of Behavioral Ecology with the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University.  He is a pioneer in the study of how behavior links soils, plants, herbivores, and humans and their collective effects on landscapes. The many awards he received for research, teaching, and mentoring represent the productivity that flowed from warm professional and personal relationships with over 75 graduate students, post-doctoral students, visiting scientists, and colleagues he worked with during the past 40 years.

The presentation will be in the Darlington Chapel at 9am, Feb. 18, 2016. All faculty, students and staff are invited to attend. They can also sign up (RSVP) for the rest of the field day including lunch by going to the RCC Website and clicking on Redlands Field Day Event and following the link.

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